Shri Chaitanya Guruji

Shri Chaitanya Guruji was born in Andhra Pradesh. Since childhood guruji was a very active observer and mindful, Guruji earned a lot of fame and wealth out of business. However a sense of emptiness prevails in his life even though there was abundance of corporeal pleasure. This sense of emptiness and yearning for completeness lead him to renounce all worldly associations and a journey of self-realization. Today Guruji is sharing his valuable knowledge and experience with the world that he has acquired . Programmes are being organized to share knowledge and wisdom. Millions of people have been benefited from his programmes. These programmes lead people to the path of spiritual awakening and ensured mental and physical wellbeing. Objective of these programmes is to transform human with pure heart, simple and peaceful life by awakening their inner consciousness. Guruji has a vision to lead families, society, nation and whole world to a  new direction . Guruji has firm belief that if we want to make society, nation and world a joyous and peaceful first we have to start from inner revolution. With the vision welfare of whole world,  Guruji started Chaitanya Jagran abhiyan(Conscious awareness campaign) . This campaign is being conducted since 25 years committed to serve humanity through Pragya Chaitanya Foundation Trust.

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